Biz Greek SEO,Web Design & Development How to Create a Perfect Home Page

How to Create a Perfect Home Page


We are going to talk about How to Create a Perfect Home Page looks & feels great only if it has been designed & developed with great insight. While featuring impressive design, layout and visuals, your webpage should also have amazing functionalities to ensure ultimate user experience.

For a brand or business, one of the most important is good website design. Your business website design is a very important thing that pushes your business above or pulls you below in your competition. Your home page is the first page your visitors see when they visit your website. Your home page defines the overall nature of your business. The average visitor spends about 8 seconds on a website. That’s your window right there – 8 seconds within which you must make your killer impression, engage them and offer a value proposition they simply can’t refuse. In other words –optimize every inch of your home page to convert that visitor on the very first visit. A well-designed website home page is very important to building trust, communicating value as well as navigating visitors to the next step. You should have to understate of below essential elements every website homepage should have. Also, you can contact website developers in Kanpur to get more idea about the same.

  1. Begin by Understanding Your Visitor’s Mentality

What does a visitor experience on his or her first visit?

  • The visitor gets a quick look and forms the first impression
  • If impressed, the visitor checks out what you offer. That’s your Unique Sales Proposition (USP).
  • After that, your visitor sees if you are worthy of trust.
  • If the above points are satisfied, the visitor is ready to click your Call To Action (CTA).

If your site’s first impression is awful, you can forget about the rest. So make the best impression you can.

  1. Don’t Waste Your Visitor’s Time

Here’s how you demonstrate how much you respect your visitor’s time:

  • Make sure your site loads fast on all popular browsers.
  • Deliver what your visitor expects – for example, if your site is all about fashion, keep the layout fun and use colorful icons and buttons.
  • Make sure it’s easy to locate product listings and other information
  • Provide clear navigation along with a sitemap so your visitor knows exactly on which page they are at any time.
  • Employ a visually comfortable color scheme and use only readable and consistent fonts.
  1. Convey a Killer Value Proposition

Here’s what your visitor wants to know:

  • What does this company offer me that other companies don’t?
  • Is this product/service right one for me?
  • Why should I buy product from this company?

Use crisp text that is easy to scan; your visitor won’t spend more than a few seconds on it. Throw in some product images and a video link to clarify your USP if possible.

  1. Gain Your Visitor’s Trust!

Throw in some professional endorsements, product certifications and industry awards and links to press notices. Also put up genuine customer testimonials, client logos, case studies and social media counts. Use trust elements according to your business profile. For example, if your company develops websites, client logos and client testimonials will seal the deal.

  1. Provide an Actionable CTA (Call to Action)

Now you want your visitor to commit to your business, and you do that via a compelling CTA. Put your CTA above the fold, and make sure it’s highly visible. Provide reasons for the visitor to click the CTA. If your CTA is for product purchase, offer a discount or a coupon. If it’s a newsletter SignUp you’re after, offer a free eBook or similar freebie for registering. Make sure you put up just one CTA, whether it’s newsletter SignUp, or product purchase or launching a product demo wizard. Don’t confuse your visitor with multiple choices. Keep it simple and neat and you’ll succeed in converting your visitor into a customer.

Google crawls your website & analyzes them on a regular basis to see how relevant they are to the certain keyword phrase. Googlebot, Google’s crawler, is responsible for inspecting, crawling as well as indexing of your website and to determine how relevant your pages are.  So if we talk about the homepage of your website, then this is the first thing Google sees when Google bot crawls your website & I believe in 99% of cases it is the most important and valuable page of your web site.

Many business websites are engaged in active search engine optimization and backlink building campaigns to improve their DA (domain authority) as well as keywords ranking. But if you do not have a perfect home page design then you will definitely loose your conversions. So what are you waiting for? Get connected with Best website developers to increase your ROI (Return on Investment).

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